SITE: CCF Yard, Machynlleth                          OUR REF: 17-42                    CLIENT: M.W.H.A - Mid Wales Housing Association

George + Tomos Penseiri : Architects Cyf. in conjunction with Mid Wales Housing have been working on a housing development scheme for the old CCF Yard, Heol Maengwyn, Machynlleth. 

Located adjacent the A.C.F. (Army Cadet Force) Centre to the West, a number of Grade-2 listed residential dwellings (No 90 & No 94 - 106 Heol Maengwyn) to the East & with Machynlleth Bowling Club to the South.

The proposed application is titled: 'Demolition of existing commercial building and construction of 11 flats'.

As part of the Planning process a public consultation event was hosted on Wed 25th July 2018 at the Owain Glyndwr Centre, Machynlleth between 3:30pm - 7:30pm, this event formed the basis for an open, 28-day public consultation period whereby all documentation and drawings are available for public viewing prior to the submission of a formal application for the proposed development.

All available documentation can be viewed below, or at our offices by appointment.

Consultation Period: Wed 25th July - Wed 22nd August 2018.

Add any comments you may have in the e-form below. Your comments will be sent to George + Tomos Penseiri : Architect Cyf. only and all messages will be retained anonymously.

17-42 PL01

17-42 PL02

17-42 SK01

17-42 SK02

17-42 SK03

17-42 SK04

17-42 SK05

17-42 SK06


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Other documentation available upon request include:

  • Planning Application Form

  • Design & Access Statement

  • H.I.A. (Heritage Impact Assessment)


NOTE: All drawings & documentation correct at time of publishing but are liable to be revised as part of the consultation process. 


17-42 CCF Yard, Heol Maengwyn, Machynlleth